IT’S NOT RACIST TO EXPOSE YOUR HATE! (2025) by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson
There was a time
not so long ago
when it was fashionable
to hang us from ropes
to crack racist jokes
to use racist tropes
then came a world war
that armed the world’s poor
who then saw
with guns in hand
they could even the score
so across the globe
they said “no more!”
they declared
a third world war
where the whole world saw
the third world at war
with the imperialist European
who saw them as less than
human beings
calling anyone
with skin ranging from
black to natural tan
half devil half man
they were beaten
forced to submit
forced to remit
stolen territories
but they didn’t quit
only changed the game
stopped with racist names
then shifted blame
onto us for our
persistent poverty
caused by their persistent robbery
using now
native puppets
that look like us
and took our trust
pretending to fight
the rapacious whites
but they were bought off
that how we were we caught off
we never even thought of
the possibility
that our own would be
killing me
giving free
control of our resources and labor
to the enemy
but now we see
it was all
by design
a neocolonial crime
to render us blind
while we were still racially hated
walked on
but this time
with a smile
now regarded as
half devil half child
that sly fox
that Malcolm X
told us about
the smiling version of the wolf
that’ll still put
us in the doghouse
so now when we
call you out
you twist your mouth
talking about
we’re the racists
switching places
from villain to victim
and most Black folks
you’ve tricked them
house niggers
you picked them
to mislead us
send us out
chasing our tails
blowing smoke
in our sails
so we might fail
at any endeavor
trying to still get free
many Blacks are ashamed
to reveal
your two faces
from fear of themselves
being called racists
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