NO SUPERHEROES (2025) By Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

The image of superheroes
defies the real
portraying creatures that fly
with hides of steel
who cannot be killed
on the surface
these ideals
are meant to thrill
but go deeper still
and it’s revealed
they’re meant to instill
in young and old alike
a false archetype
of those who might
for victims fight
but portraying lies
that glamorize
the plight
of the rich
meant to switch
their roles
from actual foes
to that of heroes
in colorful clothes
instead we must choose
the workers
who must unite
displaying our
collective might
folding our arms
to fight
from the left
to stop the right
in their paths
with this class-based fight
we know
there are no
individual overachievers
to reduce the masses
to mere cheerleaders
no Krypton aliens
no bulletproof wonder women
unattainable role models
to convey to our children
creatures fantastic and grandiose
so common people
forget they’re the real heroes
we propose
not foes in costume clothes
but those
just like us
the poor and workers
not privileged shirkers
there’s no problem that together
the masses can’t solve
it is they not money
that makes the world revolve
labor power produces
the things with valued uses
that we spend money to buy
this is why
labor is the source of wealth
the problem is the wealthy
don’t want the
workers involved
in running things
because only they can solve
the conditions under which
we all struggle
so the rich
angle to keep those muzzled
who might teach
that the masses of people
are far more
than equal
to the thieving rich
who aim to switch
power into the hands
of creatures who hoard wealth
the source of social health
of society’s life or death
rise up oh workers
unite if you but will
reclaim what they steal
you must fulfill
your role
as history’s greatest and sole


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