During latter 2024 I put out a call to create a prisoner support network and organization called PAPA or People Against Prison Abuse. The purpose of PAPA was to create a broad base of public support for prisoners made up of people who genuinely care about us and our treatment and to bring attention to and pressure to bear against our abuses in the prisons, namely our loved-ones.

This in contrast to those who claim to represent and speak for us, but have personal and financial agendas that PREVENT them from going against officials who abuse us or allow our abuse.

As I expressed in that call to create PAPA, most times when prisoners report abuses to our loved ones, they don’t know what to do or who to seek help from. They often feel alone and overwhelmed. When they do seek help complaining to prison officials or legislators, they merely get the run around, they are strung along, or hear empty promises that the matter will be investigated, while nothing changes. MANY loved ones are experiencing this very problem now in relation to abuses at Virginia’s remote Red Onion State Prison, which has been publicly exposed for abuses and racism against its prisoners who are near totally Black and Brown.

In response to the call to create PAPA, many people have signed on to become part of the network, but with loved ones lacking the experience in political organizing that many professed advocates have, we have faced a challenge with creating a committee to coordinate and organize the network, its membership, and its work.

We also found out that at least two groups already exist that have the name People Against Prison Abuse. One of them has a social media presence and openly supported Donald Trump, a politician who has a well documented history of racism and supporting and immunizing police and prison abuse.

In response to the latter we have decided to change our name from PAPA to FUAPA or Families United Against Prison Abuse.

We have also created an ad hoc support committee pending formally creating a member-based steering committee for FUAPA.

The fact that various media outlets like The Virginia Defenders newspaper have been repeatedly contacted by prisoners’ families seeking help and expressing fear for the lives and safety of their loved ones in prisons like Red Onion, Wallens Ridge and River North, and the futility of their MANY MANY complaints to officials and legislators speaks to the urgent need and importance of FUAPA.

The call continues to join and build PAPA but under the name Families United Against Prison Abuse or FUAPA.

Dare to Struggle Dare to Win!
All Power to the People!


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