UPDATE ON PAPA, NOW FUAPA (2025) by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

On Feb 10, 2025 a meeting was held by people and members of groups who support or have signed on to PAPA (People Against Prison Abuse). This was our fifth meeting. At that meeting several things were decided:

First, we discovered that several groups already exist that have the name People Against Prison Abuse, one of them being a reactionary group. We therefore agreed to change the name of PAPA to Families Against Prison Abuse or FUAPA (foo-oppa).

Second, we have created a support committee pending the formal creation of a democratically elected steering committee and mission statement written by this collective body.

Third, in the immediate future we will be creating a website for FUAPA, communications groups and perhaps an email list serv, and social media pages.

Fourth, we need to create a simpler link for people to locate and sign onto FUAPA. The previous link for PAPA was/is too complicated to communicate to everyday people to locate and sign onto.

Those interested in FUAPA and these projects please contact Sojourner at:

Email: shepanther0716@protonmail.com
Phone: 646-470-5190

Dare to Struggle Dare to Win!
All Powder to the People!


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