OH CAPITALIST PRETENDERS! (2025) By Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

oh great pretenders
you act as though
the things you do
you do not know
when history shows
your world was built
on lands and wealth stolen
islands of gold
surrounded by oceans
of blood and bones
from people slaughtered
colonized enslaved
violated young daughters
treaties betrayed
trickery deception
portraying false perceptions
bought off leaders
thrown to those whose
land wealth and labor you covet
waving a tri-colored rag above it
so those trained as patriots
will love it
going forth to mass murder
giving their sons and daughters
as cannon fodder
you swell with pride and vanity
at the wealth you horde
in a world awash in insanity
people driven to kill their own
to kill the “other”
kill their own brother
to kill kill kill
even sex is violent
equating creating and destroying life
both orgasmic
everything symbolized as slaughter
even a grade school test
“killed” by your daughter
a reflection of the mind
of a madman’s world order
capitalism! greed and violence glorified
everything you’ve said good about
this system
you lied
what morality is birthed from
an empire built
on exploitation
on billions killed
oh great pretender
this is why you don’t want revealed
your true history
your economic methods
why you want critical books burned
so your victims
brainwashed by your system
won’t discover how you’ve tricked them
you’re clever
by your game can’t go on
my comrades will climb onto
her shoulder
yell into her ear
words of revolution
awaken the one you most fear
rouse her from her slumber
no longer compliant
angry and defiant
that working class giant


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