FREE HUEY! THE VISION (2025) by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

free Huey!
a demand that sparked
a movement
the needle
we moved it
to freedom
Huey P. we freed him
but afterward lost steam
which means
another deferred dream
but the vision
ain’t dead
we gotta
revive what he said
commit revolutionary suicide
which don’t mean
we died
but rather make worlds collide
commit homicide
against the enemy class
we gotta ride
fight the power
on the peoples side
so that our
people survive
how many did Huey
he lit fire
to the best of us
from chairman Fred
to our guerrilla comrade
George Jackson
Assata Shakur
to a hundred groups since
from real revolutionaries
to those on the fence
Free Huey!
the demand made perfect sense
they tried to execute him
incite division
we gotta revive his mission
that panther vision
when we say free Huey
we mean us
the people who
share his genius
what he seen in us
when he said “All power to the people!”
he was meaning us
the oppressed
as a unified force
who would
change the course
of the world
from being ruled by greed
to each giving according to ability
to each according to need
that means all of us
reviving our movement
free the vision
of Huey P. Newton!


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