Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party

”The Negro youth and moderates must be made to realize that if they succumb to revolutionary teaching, they will be dead revolutionaries.” – FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover


”A revolutionary must realize that if he is sincere, death is imminent due to the fact that the things he is saying and doing are extremely dangerous. Without coming to this realization, it is impossible to proceed as a revolutionary”. – Defense Minister Huey P. Newton, co – founder of the original Black Panther Party.

We cannot call ourselves revolutionaries if we are not ready and willing to die for the cause. Revolution is against the law. After all, the law is here to maintain the ruling class’s hold on society and the wealth produced by the exploited labor of the masses. Anything that challenges this social order and threatens the right of a few to own the wealth produced by the working class will be met with the full force of the of the ruling class’s repressive agencies, i.e., the police, courts, FBI, CIA, etc. Death and imprisonment are the price of revolution. This isn’t a game. This isn’t something that we do on our spare time like a part-time job or a hobby. We don’t do this for likes on Instagram, or to impress others with our political theories.

We do this because we feel intensely the suffering of humanity. We feel the hunger, powerlessness, homelessness, fear, pain, hopelessness, sickness, and exhaustion of the millions of peoples on this planet who are suffering in the ghettoes, hoods, barrio’s, favelas, shantytowns, tent cities, skid rows, refugee camps, jails, prisons, immigration camps, sweat shops, assembly lines, red light districts, mines, dead-end jobs, poverty-stricken and war-torn areas of the world. We are them, and we know that the cause of our collective suffering is capitalism and capitalist man; his governments, armies, world markets, international bodies, and puppet-regimes. We have declared war against all forces and institutions of capitalist-imperialist oppression and exploitation, and therefore, we are marked men and women, marked for death and imprisonment.

We have accepted this fate because we refuse to close our eyes to what’s going on and make amends with this monster. We do this because we envision a world without racism, sexism, imperialist wars of aggression, poverty, oppression, exploitation, inequality, and environmental destruction. We do this because the future of the world and all that lives upon it depends on it. The is no other recourse, and we are already too late.

The life of a revolutionary is one of complete commitment, hard work, struggle and sacrifice. If you have come for a good time, this Party is not for you. If you are not willing to dedicate your entire life and possessions to the revolution, then this is not for you. If you are not wiling to go amongst the suffering masses and toil with them, serve them, educate them, be educated by them, fight beside them and die for them, then this is not for you. Go home, get dressed in your nicest outfit and hit the club, because this is not the Party you are looking for. Those is not a game or an event. This is a struggle. And if we are not serious, deadly serious, about what we are saying and doing as revolutionaries, then we have no legitimate claim to being such. This Party demands our complete dedication and discipline. The liberation of humanity depends on it.

Dare to struggle, Dare to win.
All Power to the People!


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