SILENT SLAVE NARRATIVE (2025) by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

behold the silent noise
cries with no voice
generations of shattered lives
discarded like broken toys
a too early demise
lost and tortured souls
ghostly lullabies
legacies no one knows
unknown tomorrows
tossed in ships’ holds
young and old
suffered mortal blows
we bear ragged wounds
that still won’t mend
captured and confined
for tawny skin
with none to defend
crooned on the winds
songs of pain and sorrow
horrors relived today
repeated tomorrow
sounds echo through time
the baying of hounds
snapping at heels in flight
those frightening sounds
that portent
being ripped limb from limb
wade in the water a warning
not merely a hymn
homelands lost
bodies broken and torn
memories scorned
with none to mourn
sexual violence
rites of passage for pale sons
dark daughters victims
none too young
there was never
a deed too vile
not even the stolen
innocence of a child
your founding fathers
all pedophiles
whitewashed and denial
savagery hidden
your history rewritten
the truth forbidden
regarded with shame
lies all the same
descendants of savagery
hidden family names
with ours discarded
legacies disregarded
a stolen land
from exterminated red hearts
built with our stolen labor
from dark to dark
a world built
with blood sweat and violence
sounds of torture
drowned out by silence
no one to hear
our tormented cries
silent slave narratives
made mute with white lies


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